Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Parenting interventions can work --- and save money

Research published today in the journal, Research in Social Work Practice has shown that evidence based parenting interventions can save money and be effective. The frequency with which cases were subject to reinvestigation were reduced in the state where the program was used. Based on the Nurturing Parent Program (NPP) the researchers were able to show these gains. Not only are there economic benefits but one must also consider that this means less intrusion by child protection over the long term in many more families. It also means increased family preservation.

As other research has shown, keeping families together at a level that is at least good enough reduces other long term costs when compared with children raised in foster care. There is less difficulty with mental health, employment, school completion and crime. These cost benefits were not even considered in this current research.


Maher, E.J., Corwin, T.W., Hodnett, R., & Faulk. K. (2012). A cost-saving analysis of a statewide parenting education program in child welfare. Research in Social Work Practice, published online 2012/06/13. doi: 10.1177/1049731512449873.

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